Panel: Is the current baggage handling system failing us and how are we going to improve it?

Panel: Is the current baggage handling system failing us and how are we going to improve it?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 12:15 PM to 1:00 PM · 45 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Ground Operations - Track 10 - Hall 5
Panel Discussion
Airline OperationsAirport OperationsGround OpsBaggage


• Will emerging technologies such as AI and robotics be the answer to smarter baggage management?

• Is standardised baggage tracking (e.g. RFID) a pipe dream?

• How do we use tech to improve passenger communication from check-in to final delivery to mitigate negative impact on our brand?

• Discuss how we maintain a well-trained and motivated workforce that can integrate effectively with technology

• How can we create a more collaborative and data-driven ecosystem for baggage management across airlines, airports and ground handlers?

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