RM Panel: How will the shift in market demand, adoption of a new AI ecosystem, offer-order and the cost of sustainability impact revenue management teams in the next 5 years?

RM Panel: How will the shift in market demand, adoption of a new AI ecosystem, offer-order and the cost of sustainability impact revenue management teams in the next 5 years?

Thursday, October 10, 2024 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM · 45 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Digital & IT - Track 1 - Hall 1
Panel Discussion
AI/MLRevenue ManagementSustainability


•What does offer-order mean for revenue management teams and how can you plan effectively for these incoming changes?

•In what way will the cost of sustainability impact revenue management in the next 5 years?

•How are airlines adapting to the new shape of passenger demand and overcoming challenges posed by seasonality?

•In what way will teams need to adapt to large language models and how will Gen AI help future decision-making capabilities?

•What can airlines do advance more targeted and intricate offers powered by RM?

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