Panel: How can predictive modelling and data analytics revolutionize resource distribution and optimize operational decision-making in aviation?
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM · 45 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Digital Operations - Track 10 - Hall 5
Panel Discussion
AI/MLAirline OperationsData AnalyticsData Science
- Exploring the applications of predictive modelling in aviation, including forecasting demand, maintenance needs, and weather prediction.
- Examining how smart decision planning systems can revolutionize resource distribution in aviation by optimizing the allocation of aircraft, crew, and other resources.
- Exploring how predictive modelling and data analytics can be used to optimize aviation operations while considering sustainability and limited resources.
- Discussing how predictive modelling and data analytics can enhance customer satisfaction by enabling proactive communication, personalized services, and efficient problem resolution.