Panel: Beyond efficiency: How are we embracing AI, automation, and collaboration to create an efficient ground operations ecosystem?

Panel: Beyond efficiency: How are we embracing AI, automation, and collaboration to create an efficient ground operations ecosystem?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 10:30 AM to 11:15 AM · 45 min. (Europe/Amsterdam)
Ground Operations - Track 10 - Hall 5
Panel Discussion
AI/MLAirport OperationsDigitalDisruption ManagementRoboticsGround Ops


• How AI can be used for real-time tracking, IoT and predictive maintenance to optimize ground handling processes?

• Can we encourage data sharing across stakeholders to improve decision-making?

• How can airports and industry players prepare for a more automated ground-handling future?

• How do we increase efficiency through standardising procedures whilst still allowing airline customisation?

• How do we build frameworks to ensure we integrate new technology with our workforce and attract new talent to build a future-proof workforce?

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