Cirium DiiO
Products & Services
The Cirium Diio suite helps stakeholders forecast air travel trends with reliable data on supply, demand, traffic and fares.
DiiO Advance Bookings: Query and analyze global booking and demand data to understand the impact of your marketing campaigns, develop compelling air service business cases, optimize your marketing spend, and more!
DiiO SRS Analyzer: Schedules data - the key building block behind successful global aviation planning and strategy. The ability to accurately understand when, how and where an airline is flying - historically, now and in the future - is essential to decision-making insights into risk management contingencies, cost saving initiatives and analysis optimization
DiiO Mi: Analyze the continually changing market with the industry’s most powerful network planning tool
DiiO Traffic and Fares: Provides global trip insights to enable analysis of
route yields and travel demand, to discover new air service, understand route profitability, and benchmark airline schedules