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Acting responsibly for a sustainable future Our business activities not only have an impact on our economic environment, but also on our environment, people and society. At Lufthansa Systems, we are aware of our Corporate Responsibility and take it very seriously. As part of our Corporate Responsibility, we support the goals and fields of action of the Lufthansa Group. In doing so, we pursue global climate goals to preserve our environment, place social standards at the center of our decisions and commit ourselves to ethically correct and honest business practices that comply with applicable laws and regulations. For us, it is natural to tackle the major issues of our time. There are still more challenges ahead of us, and certainly some that were previously unknown - it is essential that we begin this sustainable journey, continue continuously, and stay focused on our goals. We are constantly working on new ideas on how we can offer innovative technologies as responsibly as possible. Furthermore, we are establishing measures to continuously improve our environmental impact. We believe that global challenges can only be effectively addressed by working together, and we are grateful to share this journey with so many interested and passionate customers, collaborators and employees.

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