Does social media represent a new airline booking channel opportunity?

Does social media represent a new airline booking channel opportunity?

Thursday, September 28, 2023 9:35 AM to 9:50 AM · 15 min. (Europe/Lisbon)
Keynote Theatre 1


Retailers from various industries are increasingly using social media platforms like TikTok to do more than build brand awareness. Forward thinking retailers are promoting products and services with simple click-to-purchase capability. We’ll explore some of the benefits that social media platforms bring to the table for travel providers looking to inspire and convert a targeted audience with travel offers.  The discussion will include:

  • How the rich-media nature of social media supports the ability to inspire
  • The capability of social media platforms to deeply target a specific segment of potential travelers 
  • The tie-in with evolving airline advanced Offer Management capabilities
  • Measuring KPIs to demonstrate success with social commerce experiments

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