Consultancy Services - end-to-end implementation

Consultancy Services - end-to-end implementation

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When you partner with Smarter Airports, you don’t just get access to a state-of-the-art platform. You engage with a world-class implementation partner, too. The Smarter Airports team take full responsibility for ensuring end-to-end implementation, configuration and organisational change management in order to deliver a successful digital transformation. We achieve this by being on-site, combining well proven approaches from the airport domain and from complex IT delivery methodology. Introducing AIRHART will result in changes. These not only encompass moving to a new IT tool, but also changes to business processes and behaviours, and potential new structures. On the surface, it might seem straightforward, but to gain the most benefit from your investment in a new digital platform, we need all stakeholders to buy in as fast and as smoothly as possible. Our implementation method is tested throughout a multitude of major IT implementation programs addressing the following areas: - Role-based benefit realisation - Shared Tools and Best Practices - Dynamic Core Feature and Module Roadmaps - Agile Methodology – with control - Business Process Library - Organisational Change Management (OCM)

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