Powering Possibilities through Offer Optimization

Powering Possibilities through Offer Optimization

Keynote - Hall 12 - Airlines


Many carriers are on this journey. Successful carriers have a phased approach to:

• Embracing willingness-to-pay. They are liberating their pricing strategy from the restrictions of class codes with continuous pricing and forecasting based upon price sensitivity rather than class availability.

• Adopting context-specific dynamic pricing. They are analyzing the attributes of passengers along with market conditions to deeply understand passenger’s willingness-to-pay at a given moment and adjusting the price at time of request based on that segment.

• Pushing to dynamic ancillary pricing. They are using AI and data science to dynamically price ancillaries based on the passenger attributes, market conditions, and other driving factors.

• Reaching true offer optimization. They are bundling fares and ancillaries into a singular decision point for passengers, delivering a highly personalized offer while maximizing revenue.

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