Accommodations Plus International (API)



API Global Solutions is the recognized industry leader in providing SaaS crew layover technology & service solutions to commercial airlines. Established in 1984 as a regional company, API has grown into a global provider, serving 100+ airlines, supported by 3 operations centers and 24 locations around the world.
Our benefits range from bottom-line savings in your total cost of crew accommodation, gained operational efficiencies, coupled with robust 24/7 support tailored to your specific needs.
Our crew accommodations and transportation SaaS technology provide Airlines with an integrated source of truth upon which the airline’s entire crew logistics department can transact. Within the platform itself, modules enable the multiple touchpoints across the airline to act in concert with each other and with a single source of data and analytics. The modules enable Sourcing & Contracting, Crew Planning, Day of Operations, Crew Mobile Applications, Accounts Payable & Invoice Management, and Business Analytics. This solution, implemented in a strategic approach, maximizes the savings and overall satisfaction measured across the entire crew accommodation process.



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