Airport Resource Management

Airport Resource Management

Digital & IT


Unlock the Power of Efficient Airport Resource Management INFORM's GroundStar takes your Airport Resource Management to the next level. Our software solution enables you to handle more flights and passengers by efficiently planning and managing the existing airport infrastructure. By taking into account your specific business rules, GroundStar optimizes the allocation of critical resources such as stands and gates and other fixed airport resources leading to smoother operations, reduced delays and improved punctuality. Real-time data and insights are provided, empowering airport resource managers to make informed decisions swiftly and enhancing agility in response to changing circumstances. Ready to unleash the power of advanced software for optimized fixed airport resources? Benefits >> Most efficient use of your airport infrastructure thanks to built-in powerful optimization algorithms. >> Advanced planning and what-if scenario capability. >> Reduction of user´s workload and management by exception. >> Increased passenger and airline satisfaction through efficient, robust resource allocation. >> Lower resource energy consumption, costs and emissions.

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