Gold Sponsor


Optimal customer contact, meeting all the current expectations: an ever-greater challenge in a rapidly changing world. A world full of noise, in which technological possibilities, digital channels, networks and touch points are expanding. But there’s also a growing sense of distance, inaccessibility and misunderstanding.

How can you, as an organization, make a difference today? Deliver personal satisfaction to citizens and consumers? Deliver the best experience? Increase loyalty? Locally and internationally? Preferably in their own language? Especially when competition is fierce and circumstances are uncertain and unpredictable. Who can your organization turn to when the challenges are urgent and the risks are high? And when every contact counts?

Pleased to meet you, we are RIFF. We’re not your standard customer care centre, no standard helpdesk, but the special forces for complex customer care. We are driven specialists for thoughtful, creative and practical solutions for every challenging situation.

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