Cargo Solutions

Cargo Solutions

Products & Services


Accelya’s cargo platform enables 100% digitization for airlines from offer to settlement. It is designed to optimize cargo processes and future-proof airlines within the ever-evolving cargo and technology landscape. Our Cargo Solutions Portfolio: Offer and Order: Accelya's Cargo Offer and Order solutions reimagine cargo pricing, promotions, and distribution. Airlines can easily launch customized, intelligent offers, control distribution channels, and have end-to-end visibility over customer orders. Operate and Fulfil: Accelya's Cargo Operate and Fulfil helps airlines deliver! Armed with real-time data, airlines can fully control cargo operations, optimally utilize assets, and make reliable deliveries. Invoice and Settle: Accelya's Cargo Invoice and Settle puts airlines in control of their financial operations - accurately invoicing and settling revenue. Quick and accurate revenue accounting accelerates revenue realization and improves cash flow. Revenue Management: Accelya's Cargo Revenue Management capabilities include modern, multi-dimensional data, delivering up to 20% more accurate forecast predictions than traditional algorithms. Airlines can react faster than the competition and capture increased market share. Cargo Analytics: Accelya's Cargo Analytics is a suite of reports, dashboards, and analytics capabilities that enables airlines to drive intelligent decisions for predictability and value across the business. For more information on our cargo solutions, please visit our website -

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