Panel: Rethinking IFEC strategy within the business model: How can you monetise the opportunities new IFEC technology brings?

Panel: Rethinking IFEC strategy within the business model: How can you monetise the opportunities new IFEC technology brings?

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12:15 PM to 1:00 PM · 45 min. (Singapore)
IFEC - Track 5
Panel Discussion
Ancillary RevenueBusiness ModelsIFECStrategy


  • As BYOD and onboard Wi-Fi gain popularity amongst passengers, how can airlines deliver and capitalise on the omnichannel experience? 
  • Global networks: What new tech is available to help boost connectivity on board?
  • From digital retail to AVOD models; understanding how ancillary revenue can be optimised as a result of new IFEC technology.
  • Understanding how IFEC systems can be used to collate real-time customer data for free, in- order to predict trends and improve the overall passenger experience. 


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