Panel: Digital disruption management: how can we simplify the process for passengers whilst alleviating industry pressure?

Panel: Digital disruption management: how can we simplify the process for passengers whilst alleviating industry pressure?

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 3:10 PM to 3:50 PM · 40 min. (Singapore)
Air Experience - Track 5
Panel Discussion
Airline OperationsCustomer ExperienceDigitalDisruption Management


  • Discussing the advantage of digitalisation and overhauling customer services to create a faster and more personal experiences for passengers.  

  • Recognising the benefit of collating passenger experience data to create a single view system of all cases from all support channels. 

  • From crew logistics to weather patterns: how can predictive modelling be used to minimise disruption and enhance the passenger experience? 

  • Understanding the current accessibility issues that airports and airlines face and how to create more contextualised and helpful experiences.

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